Pigeons are a common nuisance for urban dwellers, often invading balconies and creating messes with their droppings. While it’s essential to deter pigeons from roosting on your balcony, it’s equally important to do so without causing harm to these birds. Fast Safety Nets offers humane solutions for how to keep pigeon away from your balcony effectively. Here are some non-lethal methods you can employ:

Balcony Nets Installation
  1. Install Pigeon Spikes: Pigeon spikes are physical barriers that prevent birds from landing or roosting on ledges, railings, or other surfaces. Fast Safety Nets offers non-toxic and harmless pigeon spikes that discourage pigeons without causing injury.
  2. Use Visual Deterrents: Visual deterrents such as reflective objects, predator decoys, or scare balloons can effectively deter pigeons from approaching your balcony. These items mimic natural threats, making pigeons feel unsafe and prompting them to find alternative roosting spots.
  3. Provide Alternative Roosting Sites: Consider installing birdhouses or nesting boxes in nearby areas to provide pigeons with alternative roosting sites away from your balcony. This can help redirect their behavior while supporting local bird populations.
  4. Apply Bird Repellent Gel: Non-toxic bird repellent gels create an unpleasant surface for pigeons to land on, deterring them from roosting on your balcony. Fast Safety Nets offers bird repellent gels that are safe for both birds and humans, providing long-lasting protection.
  5. Install Bird Netting: Bird netting creates a physical barrier that prevents pigeons from accessing your balcony. Fast Safety Nets offers custom-fit bird netting solutions that are easy to install and remove, allowing you to enjoy a pigeon-free balcony without harming the birds.
  6. Maintain Cleanliness: Pigeons are attracted to food sources and areas with accumulated debris. Keep your balcony clean and free of food scraps, garbage, or standing water to deter pigeons from roosting.

By implementing these humane methods in collaboration with Fast Safety Nets, you can effectively keep pigeons away from your balcony without resorting to harmful measures. Prioritizing the well-being of both humans and birds ensures a harmonious coexistence in urban environments.